Google innovation. Powerful solutions. Low cost.

Manage your e-mail and contacts with an easy-to-use interface complete with instant messaging and video chatting functionality.

Web-based documents, spreadsheets, drawings and presentations that let users edit the same file at the same time so you always have the latest version.

Utilize Google Groups as a mailing list to share docs, calendars, sites, and videos with a group of people as opposed to individual users.

Google securely hosts and streams your videos, so employees don’t need to share videos over email, or burden IT with a complex on-site video solution.

A web-based calendar application that enables employees to work together efficiently and helps minimize costs and IT hassles. Schedule appointments and overlay multiple shared calendars with an application that even syncs to your mobile device.

Google Sites is an easy way to create secure web pages for intranets and team projects. No coding or HTML required. Use Google Sites to centralize documents, spreadsheets, presentations, videos, slideshows and more to help keep teams organized.

Compliance and e-discovery risks exist for organizations of all types today. A proactive strategy for managing these risks includes email archiving and search tools that allow organizations to respond quickly and effectively when the need arises. Google Apps customers can purchase archiving and search tools as an add-on product for Google Apps.

For Microsoft Office users, Cloud Connect allows for simultaneous, multiple-user editing of Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel documents.